Wednesday, August 27, 2008

30 Things You Don't Know About Me

  1. I took hula lessons twice.

  2. My favorite colors are black pink and purple.

  3. I have a half sister and a younger brother.

  4. I love Target.

  5. My great grandpa is 91 years old.

  6. My favorite drink at Jamba Juice is Strawberry Surf Rider.

  7. I love to bake.

  8. My favorite actor is Johnny Depp. (SO HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

  9. I have a parakeet named Mi-mi.

  10. Chocolate makes me hyper.

  11. One of my favorite foods is loompia.

  12. I love painting.

  13. My favorite artist is Gris Grimly.

  14. I have a chihuahua named Damian.

  15. My favorite movie is Sweeney Todd!

  16. I love musicals.

  17. In forth grade I was the fastest girl in my class.

  18. I draw in my spare time.

  19. The first time I went to a Padre game was in 8th grade.

  20. I live in Imperial Beach.

  21. I text a lot.

  22. My favorite villain in Batman is the Joker.

  23. In third grade I got first place in Jump Rope For Heart Jump Athon.

  24. I've never been in a taxi.

  25. My nationality is Guamanian, Mexican and a tiny bit of German.

  26. I love shopping for new school clothes.

  27. My favorite animal is the Tiger.

  28. Over Summer I watched Batman the Dark Knight twice in the same weekend.

  29. Talking on the phone isn't really my thing.

  30. I delivered my dogs first litter of puppies.


Ms. Charlotte said...

I LOVE musicals too! Have you watched all the old Roger and Hammersteins musicals?

William said...

I've never been in a taxi too!

Alex C. Ford said...

My favorite movie is Sweeney Todd, too. :D

Gabe said...

#21, EVERYONE does ciara :P

niia G said...

i like yours!(: haha its soo intresting