Thursday, September 25, 2008

Paragraphs About Me

Cliche' paragraph:

My name is Ciara. I have dark hair like a midnight sky. My eyes are like two almonds. I have a bright smile to brighten up any day. My face looking like I just at too much sugar and decided to hang out in tree. Thats me, in the tree.

Good paragraph:
Turning back to see the camera. Anxiously waiting for the Ghost Hunters International cast to arrive. My smile big and my dimples deep. The look in my face makes me want to go back and sit in that very seat once again. My hair shinny like a new paint job on an old car. It's me, Ciara.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Epic: 1. There is epic poetry
2. A heros achievements written in a poetic format.
3. really great

Characteristics of an Epic:

1. The gods and lesser divinities play an active role in the outcome of actions.

Ex: Apollo gave all of the working animals and all of the soldiers the plague, which killed many people and animals. 
Line 56-60


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

My Public Hero

Abraham Lincoln
I see Abraham Lincoln as a hero because of how he helped our country to get to where we are today. He was our sixteenth president who stood up for what he believed in. People see him as a hero because of what he did. He helped our country free the slaves. Some see him as a hero because he wrote the Emancipation Proclamation, which had a great deal with freeing a lot of slaves. While some see him as a hero others see him as a villain. The people who were against freeing slaves had to give their free labor up. Meaning the ones who owned slaves didn't anymore because of what Abraham Lincoln did.