Sunday, November 30, 2008

What I'm Thankful For

 I am very very thankful for the family I have. I seriously would never ever change a thing about any of them. They are always around when I need them and I can talk to anyone of them anytime. Its great! I'm also thankful for the love and support they give to one another. Whenever someone close to us is down, their not down for long. 
I'm also thankful for my beautiful houses (my mom and dads). Even though I don't have my own room and I have to share one of them with three other people, it's brought us all closer together. My house is kinda small but everyone is used to it by now and I'm just glad we have a nice neighborhood that we can go outside and relax in the pretty San Diego weather.  
One last thing I am thankful for is all of my loving friends. I wouldn't be able to make it through high school without them!

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