Thursday, December 4, 2008

Dialectical Journals book 7

Quote (Pg. 321): Suddenly a swift crashing burst from the thicket above. Forms shot forth, invisible. Every hand flew to a weapon.
The sound receded swiftly above.

Analysis: This quote caught my attention because I thought they were going to get attacked by someone or something dangerous. The sound description they used really let me know whatever it was was gracful, without even saying the word "graceful"

Quote (Pg. 326): "Dienekes himself drew his blade. He was going to open Roosters throat on the spot as a traitor."

Analysis: Dienekes seems really rude. Rooster was only trying to help him and since Rooster went to the wrong spot Dienekes blew up and was about to slit his throat if it wasn't for Polynikes stopping Dienekes.

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