Sunday, March 1, 2009

My Ishmael 3-2-09

1. Anthropomorphism mean when something that is not at all human but acts like one. In the book it is referring to the animals that act like humans by defending what is theirs.

2. - Ishmael describes "Erratic Retaliation" as a way to keep the peace. The cawks don't really go by erratic retaliation because they still fight and erratic retaliation means to find a better way of settling a argument.

-Erratic retaliation is a peace keeping method because it is a way of finding a solution to a problem without fighting.

-The cawks annihilate each other instead of the occasional attacks because they are very aggressive animals .

1 comment:

William said...

I have to disagree with your answer for number one. Ishmael says that humans think that animals act like humans, claiming territory and all. But in reality they don't really care about owning land. And are you sure "Erratic Retaliation" is settling differences without fighting? They tribes fight amongst each other, but don't annihilate each other in Ishmael's description.