Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Fairy Tale

" hu....uhhhhg," The princess sat up in her dust covered bed. *Cough cough* the dust was to much for her wind pipes to take in. She looked around the moth infested room. Her hair draped her shoulders. Her piercing blue eyes dashed everywhere around the room her hands began to clutch the sheet. "Where am I?" she helplessly screamed. All the sudden her closet began rumbling causing the handle to fall to the ground and roll downa a pile of clothes. "Ahh, go away!" She slammed her eyes shu, scared for the unvieling of the thing in her closet. Out jumped a dwarf, falling onto the pile of clothes too. He then made his way to the side of the bed while the princess stared in "aw." "Who are you and what are you doing in my closet?"

"Well i'm the dwarf who was sent to rescue you and I wanted to surprise you when you woke up, so I hid in your closet. Then I got stuck so I tried to find a way out because I thought I broke it so I tried to climb out your window but I fell back and broke your door open."

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