Wednesday, May 27, 2009



"Oh my gosh!" I gasped. I couldn't believe it. I turned my head slowly to the right, sitting next to me was my dad and brother. I stared beweildered at them. "You won't believe what I just noticed!" I yelled over the other hundred people jibbering away. The sent of new comic rose up my nose. I stood up and pointed to the giant projector screen. My dad and brother stared at me like I was a freak. "The sci-fi logo is a saturn!" I yellped. I was so excited I wanted to spurt around the hundreds of poeple spreading the news.

"Yeah, so? I already knew that," my brother said in a wanna-be-smart voice.

"Then why didn't you tell me!" I screamed. I shifted my body to the left to ignore him. I kept my eyes on the big screen. This is so ool I thought. Me at comic con learning something new and totally awesome. I felt special, I didn't know why, I just did.

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