Monday, October 27, 2008

Dialectical Journal (pg 31)

Pg. 31
Quote: The men of the farm dragged me into the mud of the livestock pen and nailed me to the hide board the size of a door, driving tanning spikes through both my palms.

I just couldn't believe how crude these men can be. Just because this man tried to steal a goose, he got his hand nailed to a giant board and his legs lashed. How the author put it into the book really brought it to life and made me remember that this was really how things worked back in that time. All I could think of was the word, "OUCH."

Dialectical Journal (pg 22)

Pg. 22
Quote: Women carried infants, some of them already dead, while other dazed figures glided past like shades, bearing away some pitifully useless possession, a lamp or a volume of verses.

This quote really planted a sad and unimaginable image in my mind. Just seeing someone carring a lifeless baby in their arms really tugs at your heart. This goes to show how well the author included every little detail.
He even included the small details of people carring usless items like a lamp.
One last reason I chose this quote was because the words he used, "dazed figures glided," made me feel like I was one of those creepy figures lost in the background.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Obamas Looks

Do looks really matter in a presidential election? From what I have read and looked up on the internet looks DO matter. Here's an example, people aren't voting for Obama because of what he says and does but what he eats and how he looks, fit wise. Even some people are saying, "He needs to put some meat on his bones, I won't vote for any bean-poller guy." I don't really think these people even have a clue to what Obama could do for them. All they see it how healthy he stays and how thin he is. If you watched the example you'll know he likes being fit and eating healthy and that doesn't have to do with what he could do for our country. 

If you go to this link, there are a few peoples opinions on how our candidates look physically. There is a good point made by Nancy, she wrote, "Is there anything else that is going to be a disadvantage for Obama? He’s too skinny. He’s too black. He’s too smart. He’s too arrogant. He’s an elitist. He’s a celebrity. Give me a break. For those people who are trying to find any excuse not to vote for him, why don’t you just call yourself a racist and get it over with." I totally agree with her. I think that people are just trying to find something wrong with Obama so they look at his appearance. I think that is toatally wrong because people are choosing a president that looks the part rather than can do the part.

To conclude, all this nonsense of voting for McCain just because Obama looks to skinny or doesn't eat enough junk food should stop. I don't see how that would have to do with how they are going to run our country. So people should listen rather than look and judge by appearance. and if they can't do that then they should really wear a blindfold.

Saturday, October 11, 2008


My grandma is my hero because she has always helped me to go forward in life. She has always pushed me to do things she knows would help me out in the future. She is so encouraging and is always there when I need her.

Friday, October 10, 2008

This head shot of Johnny Depp shows his serious side. This picture also tells a story. I interpret the story to be that hes not really a guy who's always neat and strict. To me he looks free will because he has tattoos and uncombed hair. I liked it because it wasn't just a forward shot of his whole head. The photographer cut off parts of his body like the top of his head and his whole left arm.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Secret Life of Bees (Code)

Before I read the Secret Life of Bees I predicted it was going to be about a fourteen-year-old girl who's father doesn't acknowledge her. I also predicted that the book will start off telling us a little bit about the characters that were going to be in the story. I also thought it was only going to be set in one place(the house).

My predictions that were actually correct were that she was a girl living in a home with her unloving father. Her dad seemed like he didn't care for her and all he worried about was his orchard of peaches and his dog, Snout.

The predictions that I made that were a little off was when I said that it was being written from a teens point of view it would of been easier to understand, it really wasn't to hard to understand but some parts were a little different because I didn't think about the era is was being written in.

For the most part, most of my predictions were correct. Except for the fact that there were many new characters further into the book. I also learned that the book was not only about Lily it, it was about finding out more about her mom and why she really left.The characters also went to different locations,where they found out more about her mother.

Monday, October 6, 2008

How I got the dot in my eye

Ok, well i was walking home from the clubs one night and out of no where someone shot me in the eye. They rushed me to the hospital and took me into surgery right away. The doctor at the time still hadn't finished his dinner (mexican food) so he ate while working on my eye and then he dropped hot sauce in it, permanent. When I woke up, I noticed the dot in my right eye (from the hot sauce staining my eye). Later on when I went back to the hospital for a check up they told me the doctor purposly dropped it in my eye because i inturupted his dinner. He thought he was so cool so he told everyone that worked at the hospital. They then told me he was later aressted for leaving a toothpick in someone elses liver, from his hamburger. I was so mad so I sued him too,and won the case with my trusty lawyer (William) and got 25,000 dollars in return (and a cool dot in my eye).

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Last Weekend

Last  weekend I went to the Adams Street fair. I saw so many small dogs. They were so cute! I went with me my mom, aunt, brother and cousin. We had such a great time. There were even rides. There was one you went side to side in a ship, then up side down. While there I also bought a Bob Marley bracelet. I love it I wear it everywhere I go now.

Also last weekend I went to PIFA (Pacific Islander Festival Association).  I had so much fun. My dad had a booth there selling shirts and sweaters. I bought a turtle necklace at one of the booths. When I walked around I walked along the thick green grass, and behind the booths there was a sea of shiny silvery water. Anyways my weekend was awesome and I had a really great time relaxing and hanging out with my family.  Oh yea and my dad got me an autographed t-shirt from J Boog (hawaiian singer)! (the people in the picture are the guy who won the surf board and Syosi my old hula teacher[this was last PIFA])

This is my dads clothing website (it has pictures from PIFA):