Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Secret Life of Bees (Code)

Before I read the Secret Life of Bees I predicted it was going to be about a fourteen-year-old girl who's father doesn't acknowledge her. I also predicted that the book will start off telling us a little bit about the characters that were going to be in the story. I also thought it was only going to be set in one place(the house).

My predictions that were actually correct were that she was a girl living in a home with her unloving father. Her dad seemed like he didn't care for her and all he worried about was his orchard of peaches and his dog, Snout.

The predictions that I made that were a little off was when I said that it was being written from a teens point of view it would of been easier to understand, it really wasn't to hard to understand but some parts were a little different because I didn't think about the era is was being written in.

For the most part, most of my predictions were correct. Except for the fact that there were many new characters further into the book. I also learned that the book was not only about Lily it, it was about finding out more about her mom and why she really left.The characters also went to different locations,where they found out more about her mother.

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