Monday, October 6, 2008

How I got the dot in my eye

Ok, well i was walking home from the clubs one night and out of no where someone shot me in the eye. They rushed me to the hospital and took me into surgery right away. The doctor at the time still hadn't finished his dinner (mexican food) so he ate while working on my eye and then he dropped hot sauce in it, permanent. When I woke up, I noticed the dot in my right eye (from the hot sauce staining my eye). Later on when I went back to the hospital for a check up they told me the doctor purposly dropped it in my eye because i inturupted his dinner. He thought he was so cool so he told everyone that worked at the hospital. They then told me he was later aressted for leaving a toothpick in someone elses liver, from his hamburger. I was so mad so I sued him too,and won the case with my trusty lawyer (William) and got 25,000 dollars in return (and a cool dot in my eye).

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