Sunday, October 19, 2008

Obamas Looks

Do looks really matter in a presidential election? From what I have read and looked up on the internet looks DO matter. Here's an example, people aren't voting for Obama because of what he says and does but what he eats and how he looks, fit wise. Even some people are saying, "He needs to put some meat on his bones, I won't vote for any bean-poller guy." I don't really think these people even have a clue to what Obama could do for them. All they see it how healthy he stays and how thin he is. If you watched the example you'll know he likes being fit and eating healthy and that doesn't have to do with what he could do for our country. 

If you go to this link, there are a few peoples opinions on how our candidates look physically. There is a good point made by Nancy, she wrote, "Is there anything else that is going to be a disadvantage for Obama? He’s too skinny. He’s too black. He’s too smart. He’s too arrogant. He’s an elitist. He’s a celebrity. Give me a break. For those people who are trying to find any excuse not to vote for him, why don’t you just call yourself a racist and get it over with." I totally agree with her. I think that people are just trying to find something wrong with Obama so they look at his appearance. I think that is toatally wrong because people are choosing a president that looks the part rather than can do the part.

To conclude, all this nonsense of voting for McCain just because Obama looks to skinny or doesn't eat enough junk food should stop. I don't see how that would have to do with how they are going to run our country. So people should listen rather than look and judge by appearance. and if they can't do that then they should really wear a blindfold.


Anthony Robles said...

You are completly right about this appearance should have nothing to do with a person's vote. By the way its Obama's looks (compare this one to your's)

niia G said...

Yeah i agree with anthony, who votes people for looks? thats so weird...

Kahli Wooden said...

Looks dont matter, appearance matters. You wouldnt enter the white house with baggy jeans and a white-t with dirty teeth. However your physical looks don't matter. So I half agree with you, good job ciara.